DeepBloo Team
July 8, 2024
Photovoltaic Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI)

What is a call for expressions of interest? (EOI)

EOIs generally occur before public tenders. They are published by public (and private) buyers who need advice on drafting future tenders. Essentially, EOIs are a preliminary step allowing public procurement actors to gauge the market and identify interested companies for pre-selection. Companies wishing to participate in a project will express their interest by responding to the EOI.

The definition is as follows: "An EOI is an unofficial procedure not provided for by the public procurement code, allowing a public entity to solicit private initiative to promote projects of interest, even if the need is not fully defined." (Regional Audit Chamber of Corsica)

In the photovoltaic sector, an EOI often involves a community soliciting interest from renewable energy developers and selecting the most satisfactory proposal for the installation of photovoltaic systems (for public interest) and granting the right to occupy public land for the project.

These EOIs for Public Domain Occupation are significant business opportunities as they ultimately allow a public buyer to select a partner for the construction, operation, and maintenance of photovoltaic installations (carports, rooftops, ground stations, etc.).

Many municipalities and communities, under the energy transition law, are implementing actions to develop renewable energy production by private operators on public land. Thus, published EOIs involve granting temporary occupation permits (AOT) for the rental of public land of the city, municipality, or community. Companies expressing interest must propose a project covering the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the photovoltaic production plant and also ensure its financing.

Photovoltaic call for expressions of interest (EOI)

Examples of French EOIs published on Deepbloo in June 2024 in the photovoltaic sector:

These are just examples; dozens have been detected in Gironde, Ille-et-Vilaine, Lot-et-Garonne, Côtes-d'Armor, Manche, and more.

Deepbloo helps you find your calls for expressions of interest and tenders in just a few clicks, and alerts you daily to offers that match your business. Find out more about our offers.

Read the article on Solar shade call for expressions of interest