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July 27, 2022
Renewable Energy Business Development Platform Guides

In 2021, the renewable energy industry has proven to be surprisingly resilient after the outbreak of COVID 19. A new growth for renewable energy business development platform in the year ahead is focused on advancing technology and reducing resource cost that make the renewable energy industry more competitive than ever.

Renewable energy business development platforms are remarkably increasing at the same time, which brings effective solutions for businesses in the energy sector.

A successful energy business development platform needs some essential factors, therefore, this article will provide some guides for business owners to develop their own platform.

  • An overview of renewable energy market
  • Renewable energy business development platform for energy industry 
  • Tips for setting up a renewable energy business development platform 
  • Customize renewable energy business development platform with Deepbloo

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Overview of renewable energy market 2022

According to a report by IEA (International Energy Agency), renewable energy is predicted to grow by more than 8% over the previous year, surpassing 300GW for the first time. 

In 2022, solar PV is expected to account for 60% of the growth of global renewable capacity. Following a 32% year-on-year drop in 2021, new worldwide onshore wind installations are also predicted to increase and reach around 80GW in 2022. Despite this drop, worldwide offshore wind capacity additions will quadruple by 2022, compared to 2020. Global renewable capacity additions are likely to stay constant in 2023 unless new and tougher rules are introduced.

In general, the renewable energy market is going to soar in the next few years. So, this is the opportunity for businesses to take full advantage of resources to adapt to the quickly changing energy market. The renewable energy business development platform will simultaneously create opportunities for businesses to expand the market and increase their profit. 

Renewable energy business development platform for particular sectors 

Onshore wind 

In 2020, onshore wind power generation is predicted to increase by 144TWh (+11%). Additional capacity reaches an all-time high of 108GW, more than tripling year-on-year, owing to a rush of projects in China and the United States, which accounts for 79 percent of global wind deployments. (Tracking report, IEA)

Nevertheless, the investment of wind turbines for energy projects is pricey. A lot of labour, money, and digital tools are required to assure efficiency, high production rates, and security for these giants. Hence, businesses can find their optimal solutions via available integrated platforms


According to IEA, solar PV energy production increased by 156TWh (23%) in 2020, to 821TWh. It is expected to have the second greatest absolute growth rate among renewable technologies by 2020, trailing only wind but ahead of hydro. 

You can access the Deepbloo membership service which offers a wide range of membership options with all inclusive development business platform features for solar PV projects. 

Offshore wind

Global offshore wind additional capacity is predicted to increase by 60% to more than 10GW by 2021. China is likely to account for over 60% of the expansion, as developers race to complete projects before the FIT expires at the end of 2021, similar to what happened last year with wind on land.

Offshore wind projects have made significant progress in 2020, with firms such as Mitsubishi, Siemens, and major utility and oil companies leading the charge.

Tips for setting up renewable energy business development platform 

  1. Connect with industry professionals 

It is definitely important to connect with experts. Depending on the nature and complexity of the project, multidisciplinary professionals can give industry experience to the design phases and implementations of various systems. 

  1. Build up your platform with available solutions 

In this guide, you investigate current integration platforms and third-party technologies to discover how you might benefit from open source initiatives and pre-existing software solutions, which not only helps you optimize your cost but also supports finding a quick solution for your company. 

  1. Expand your scalability 

In general, software construction is predicted to expand and manage much more data, an increasing number of assets or device groups, and extending geographical polarity. However, you should consider carefully about your business capacity to expand your scalability via researching energy data resources

Customize renewable energy business development platform with Deepbloo

Deepbloo Platform converts millions of public business data points into crucial insights to better understand your industry and business possibilities to help you grow faster.

Based on your sources and data for your sector, Deepbloo proposes bespoke solutions to customize and integrate Deepbloo Platform within your organization.

Moreover, Deepbloo provides sufficient solutions for your business in the renewable energy sector. Particularly, you absolutely create your own renewable energy business development platform and provide necessary guides to develop in the energy industry from professionals. 

Are you looking for a renewable energy expert with business experience to help you expand in the energy sector? Please tell us what you are looking for, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible to talk about how we can help you with your project.