The Deepbloo Team is pleased to publish the Business Insight about GIZ & Asian Development Bank.
Business Insights - GIZ & Asian Development Bank

This month, the Deepbloo team is proud to issue a new Business Insights to enable readers to have an overview of the energy projects and other business opportunities which are funded by two top financial organizations: GIZ and Asian Development Bank.

Some key figures related to these two financial organizations on the Deepbloo platform are:

  • +390 tenders funded by GIZ and ADB;
  • 50 countries having energy projects funded by GIZ and ADB;
  • 108 buyers cooperate with GIZ and ADB;
  • Most updated tenders and market news.

The DEEPBLOO team is quite excited by the digital playground offered by Public Authorities regarding electricity projects, moreover, DEEPBLOO's expertise in the energy market allows us to understand and analyze deeply our public data. We will keep moving forward with the ambition of giving our community the possibility to understand better this public market, create interaction between tenderers and business partners by offering the best data quality possible. Have a good reading.

Happy reading!