Identification d’appels d’offres dans le secteur de la construction en France

Our client is a company that works in the construction sector mainly in the PACA region.

  • This company needs to identify the tenders that come out on a daily basis in order to ensure that no tenders are not considered.
  • The way they currently do this is to look at about 5 different public tender sites and note them on an excel list which is then sent to the company's management. This process is tedious, expensive and leaves room for human error.
  • It is very important that the solution Deepbloo proposes is comprehensive and that all public data from all 5 sites is obtained and processed.

Our client was looking for a solution to automate the capture of this data (by region and department and by date) for the construction sector. Their goal is to optimize time and costs by:

  • Automatically capturing RFPs and integrating them into a searchable interface
  • Setting up an email alert system